Card Chords: Unlocking the Secrets to Effortless Self-Guitar Lessons

Worried about hitting the wrong notes? Fear not! Card Chords eliminate the guesswork. With precise fret cut-outs, your fingers find their way effortlessly, ensuring each note is spot-on. Picture this: you, a guitar enthusiast, yearning to play, with no desire to sift through mundane tutorials or spend a fortune on lessons. Enter Card Chords, the […]
The Benefits of Card Chords: Why Every Aspiring Guitarist Needs Them

Card Chords is the revolutionary tool every aspiring guitarist should have in their arsenal. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned player, these ingenious cards are about to transform the way you approach and master the art of playing the guitar. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the complexities of Learning to play guitar? […]
Why Are Guitar Chords Hard to Memorize & How Card Chords Can Help You

Even though the vast majority of musicians typically use around 7-8 chords when building songs (even more complex ones), there are more than 4,000 unique chord combinations that can be played on a guitar, and upward of a whopping 100,000 chords in music theory altogether. However, the simplest answer to the question “Why are chords […]
A New Tool for Guitar Teachers – Enter, Card Chords

Guitar instructors typically have a set curriculum – a brief intro about the basics of music theory, bits and pieces about guitar chords, and then practical skills come into play. Even though repeating the same lesson patterns may seem easy, even the most straightforward lessons can become difficult to convey if the students find them […]
Why are Guitar Lessons So Expensive? They Don’t Have to Be If You Have Card Chords

According to research by, beginner guitar players can expect to pay their guitar instructors upward of $40 per hour. Let’s suppose you only want to learn a few chords. An average guitar teacher will likely persuade you that you need at least elementary knowledge of music before teaching you “one” chord. This means that […]
Music Learning Made Simple as 1-2-3: Card Chords Helping Beginners Tackle Fundamental Guitar Chords

Guitar chords are a dreaded topic for many guitar players. Both immediate beginners and more experienced players who’ve skipped music theory often struggle to memorize all the different chord patterns, mainly because it’s easy to misplace a note or two and play a completely different chord. Let us introduce you to Card Chords – the […]
Stuck With Learning Basic Chords? How Card Chords Can Help You Learn Them In 5 Minutes

There are thousands of possible note combinations you can hit on a guitar, but only a few dozen of them will result in a chord. Memorizing all the notes and finger positions can be extremely time-consuming, as well as boring. If you’ve hit a wall and don’t seem to be making much progress learning guitar […]
How to Play Chords with Card Chords – Placement, Strumming, Removing, Using the Next Tab

Let’s assume you just bought a guitar. You saw someone on YouTube say that all beginner guitarists need to learn basic chords as soon as possible, and you’ve decided to give it a shot. Tabs, tutorials, explainers, and how-to videos, no matter how straightforward they may be, probably didn’t help too much. After all, they’re […]
Card Chords 101 – Everything You Need to Know about the Fastest Guitar-Learning Tool for Beginners

More and more guitar players are turning away from expensive lessons and becoming their own teachers. While self-taught guitar players usually had to invest years in research, watching YouTube videos, memorizing tabs, and tons of trial & error, more and more people are discovering that Card Chords are simpler, easier to pick up, and far […]
How Card Chords Connect Aspiring Guitar Players to Form New Bands

Forming a band is one of the biggest rewards of being a musician. The ability to play and create music with others; make new friends, and perform at different venues is what it’s all about. However, musicians must also possess a certain degree of skill before they hit the stage. That’s where Card Chords come […]